

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


More specifically, why create this blog?

Because I love to eat. 

I know, I know. You've read this reason a thousand times before. Almost all of the food blogs - and there are TONS of them out there - cite this very specific reason as to why they made their blog. It's probably the ultimate cliche of the 21st century. And cliches exist because they say the truth.

I genuinely love to eat. Not just munching on anything, but like EAT. I enjoy how two seemingly contrasting ingredients produce an extraordinary flavor once you combine them. I enjoy how different textures of food dance in your mouth once you take a bite. I enjoy how four or five different smells attack your nose at the same time to produce a divine scent. I love food more than I love life (another cliche, amarite?).

But then I realized, why stop at food?

We're lucky to have lived in a time where we have almost infinite possibilities in our fingertips. And a blog is an example of that. It's a limitless, unrestricted, multi-layered platform that's available to anyone. So why not maximize this medium? Why not put in other contents that I like.

That's when I've decided to add other "layers" in my blog. It would be primarily about food, but I would, from time to time, post things about my other interests: TV shows, movies, traveling, and attending events. Life is limitless, and so will this blog be (or at least I'll try).

So Internet gods, please provide me with the strength and dedication so I could keep on updating this ~limitless blog.

To limitless possibilities!

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